Friday, August 19, 2011

Importing a Certificate Revocation List with PowerShell

This was an interesting one and a follow-up to my post about importing a Certificate (.cer) with PowerShell.

I now ran into the situation where I have an application that is highly enforcing certificate use by using the .Net libraries.  The disconnect came into play because the application was testing the Certificate Revocation List of the certificate that I provided with my private Certificate Authority.

Mind you, if you use a public Certificate Authority you will most likely never see problems as long as your machine can get to the internet to test the revocation list.  In my case my Certificate Authority server is not on the internet, but my application only is (yes, flying high in Azure).

The second hitch came because PowerShell does not have a method to deal with certificate revocation lists within the certificate handling object ( System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates ).

Thank goodness that my target system is an Azure Web Role with IIS installed, as that gave me a tool; certutil.exe

In my Azure Web Role I have a folder with all my scripts and additional binaries for use with Start Up Tasks:


In my PowerShell script I test for the path where the script is running from:

$exPath = Split-Path -parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition

I then look in this same path (the folder in the snip above) for the .cer and .crl (now just focusing on the .crl)

"Looking for included *.crl.."
$crlFile = get-childitem $exPath | where {$_.Extension -match "crl"}

If I found one, I try to import it into the same store where I imported the root CA certificate of my private Certificate Authority:

if ($crlFile -ne $NULL) {
    "Discovered a .cer as part of the Service, installing it in the LocalMachine\Root certificate store.."
    certutil -addstore Root $crlFile.FullName

Put it all together and it looks like this:



###  Import a .cer to the LocalComputer\Root Certificate store
<# This allows the addition of a .cer that is the certificate of a private or Enterprise (non-public) Certificate Authority.
   The .cer is simply included with the other scripts in the Role project in Visual Studio #>

"Looking for included *.crl.."
$crlFile = get-childitem $exPath | where {$_.Extension -match "crl"}
if ($crlFile -ne $NULL) {
    "Discovered a .cer as part of the Service, installing it in the LocalMachine\Root certificate store.."
    certutil -addstore Root $crlFile.FullName

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